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Red Light Therapy for Weight Loss: Benefits, How-to, and More

Red light has been shown to build muscle, stimulate metabolism, and even reduces the appearance of cellulite when used after exercise. It is quickly becoming the next big thing in the weight-loss world with even the most well-known gyms like Equinox using Vital Red Light devices. Read this article to get the full scoop.

Red light therapy for weight loss
The science is still in the early stages, but there are many indications that red light therapy may help with weight loss. Let’s break down what the experts say.

There’s no one-size-fits-all formula for losing weight, which is what makes it tricky. If only it was as easy as following one protocol, then weight loss wouldn’t be the struggle that it is for many people today. Don’t let that discourage you, though – we’re here to help. Today, we’re going to introduce you to red light therapy for weight loss.

Wait – does red light therapy help with weight loss? And if so, what are the red light therapy benefits for weight loss? How does red light therapy work for weight loss? In this article, we’ll answer all these questions and many others. You’ll even learn about the best at-home red light therapy for weight loss: Vital Red Light!

If you’re looking for a weight loss solution that doesn’t involve surgery, pills, or starvation, red light therapy may be worth considering. This relatively new treatment has gained popularity in recent years because of its potential benefits for weight loss.

Proponents of red light therapy claim that it can help increase energy levels, stimulate metabolic activity and reduce inflammation. If you’re curious about how red light therapy works for weight loss and whether it might be right for you, read on!

woman doing yoga with red light therapy
Red light therapy has shown promising results for weight loss, but as is the case with any treatment method, individual results may vary.

Before we get into using red light therapy for weight loss, we want to talk about fat reduction in general. Many people who struggle with losing weight do so because they either focus solely on diet, solely on exercise, or maybe even a combination of the two. “What’s wrong with that?” you may be asking. It seems as if the weight loss industry sings the praise of pairing diet and exercise to give the weight loss results you’re after.

However, the weight loss industry is missing one major piece, and that piece is the key to successful, healthy, and lasting weight loss: the wellness of our bodies. This includes everything from what we eat to how we sleep to how we manage stress to how we move our bodies.

All of our daily habits add up to create our level of overall wellness, and that level determines whether your body is at a healthy weight. When we are well-rested, well-nourished, well-exercised, and free of stress, our bodies are best equipped to process all the information — calories consumed vs. calories burned — that goes into maintaining a healthy lifestyle and weight.

Weight loss and weight management efforts are generally aimed at reducing caloric intake and increasing caloric output. This involves diet and exercise, but several other factors can affect the process. Researchers have identified a complex interplay between our hormones, bodies, and the foods we eat. The balance of these things is important because our cells need to be in a state of homeostasis to properly receive and use energy, which includes burning fat for fuel. 

Does Red Light Therapy Help With Weight Loss?

So, does red light therapy help with weight loss? Does red light therapy work?

Red light therapy can produce gentle, far-reaching effects on your body, which can make it a great complement to other weight-loss methods. It’s also been shown to help with a variety of ailments like sleep, stress, inflammation, circadian rhythm, muscle recovery, and much more, thus allowing your body to reach that overall state of wellness that we all want (and need).

Red light therapy, also known as low-level light therapy, is a non-invasive procedure that may help remove fat from targeted areas of your body. When combined with exercise, it has been shown to aid in the weight loss process.

But how does red light therapy work for weight loss exactly? Why use red light therapy along your journey to fat reduction? Let’s take a look at what science has to say.

How does red light therapy work for weight loss?

Red light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy or photobiomodulation, uses red and near-infrared light to stimulate cells and improve their function. This can have a range of positive effects on the body, including speeding up healing and reducing inflammation. When it comes to weight loss, red light therapy can boost metabolism and decrease the size of fat cells, leading to a reduction in overall body fat.

Red light therapy has been shown to help with several issues that affect weight, including inflammation, circadian rhythm, sleep, and gut health. It has the ability to both directly and indirectly help users along their weight loss journey.

Red light therapy provides benefits across multiple body systems by stimulating the mitochondria in your cells. This triggering of the mitochondria signals your cells to produce more energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is what cells use for fuel. The more energy your cells have, the better they can function, which means the better your entire body can function.

Red light therapy also has an impact on your circadian rhythm – the internal clock that regulates biological processes like sleep, hunger, and hormones. This makes it a useful tool to support your overall health in a variety of ways.

By adding red light therapy to your healthy lifestyle, you can maximize your internal health and begin to change your body composition in a positive way. The potential benefits of red light therapy for weight loss and overall health include:

  1. Fat cell reduction and metabolism

  2. Improved sleep and reduced hunger 

  3. Appetite suppression

  4. Better sleep and improved circadian rhythm

  5. Reduced inflammation

Red Light Therapy For Weight Loss: How It Works & What You Need To Know
Red light therapy has shown promising results for weight loss, but as is the case with any treatment method, individual results may vary.

A Deeper Look at the Red Light Therapy Benefits for Weight Loss

Ready to take a deeper look at the red light therapy benefits for weight loss? Below, we’ll explain the science behind the benefits we quickly mentioned earlier. And after we fully detail the benefits of red light therapy for weight loss, we’ll explain how you can use it yourself.

Fat cell reduction and metabolism

Red and near-infrared light therapy, in particular, has been shown to be effective at reducing the size of fat cells and increasing fat metabolism.

Imagine if you had to perform at your best when sleep-deprived, hungry, or jet-lagged. Your cells feel the same way when they’re depleted. Red light therapy has been shown to improve mitochondrial function and decrease oxidative stress, leading to improved metabolism. This can have a significant impact on weight loss, as insulin resistance is a major risk factor for obesity.

A 2001 study found that daily exposure to red light (660nm) for just one hour per day over a four-week period caused a significant reduction in cell size, from 4.5µm to 3.9µm.

Another study published in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology found that low-intensity red light therapy increased metabolic activity inside fat cells by a whopping 35%. This sort of increase in metabolic activity is important because it means that more lipids are being burned off as energy, which results in weight loss.

And, a new study published in the journal Nature Communications has revealed how quickly red light therapy causes fat cells to die, which could potentially help us lose weight in specific areas of our body. The researchers found that it only takes five minutes of exposure to red light at a wavelength of 650 nanometers (nm) for fat cells to begin dying off. This differs from other wavelengths of light that are used for cosmetic treatments because they’re absorbed by the skin rather than fat tissue.

Red light has been shown to trigger the formation of small openings (or pores) in fat cells, which release fatty acids known as lipids. The study led by Harvard researchers found that just four minutes of exposure to red light therapy at 635nm caused 80 percent of lipids to be released from fat cells, and by six minutes, almost all of the fat had been released. The lipids were then burned for energy, leading to a reduction in fat stores and ultimately, weight loss.

 Improved sleep

Insomnia is a common health issue that affects about 30 million Americans. Sleep deprivation has been associated with many health issues, including weight gain. One cause of insomnia is chronic stress, which amplifies weight gain by stimulating cortisol production and disrupting how the nervous system regulates metabolism (leptin and ghrelin levels).

A study published in the journal Stress and Health found that participants who had trouble sleeping gained weight over time compared to those who slept well. In fact, people who reported insomnia gained an average of 7 pounds over 5 years, while those who slept well only gained 3 pounds over the same period.

One cause of insomnia is chronic stress, which amplifies weight gain by stimulating cortisol production and disrupting how the nervous system regulates metabolism (leptin and ghrelin levels). Reducing cortisol levels through red light therapy could help improve sleep quality and decrease stress-related overeating.

A 2012 study published in the International Journal of Endocrinology examined how light affected leptin and ghrelin. Leptin is a hormone that not only controls appetite but also helps maintain body weight and regulates how much energy the body burns. Meanwhile, ghrelin does the opposite by increasing appetite and stimulating growth hormone release. In this study, researchers observed participants who had poor sleep habits.

Those who were exposed to red light at night showed a decrease in ghrelin levels and an increase in leptin levels, leading to reduced appetite and improved metabolic function. This reduction in hunger levels can have a great impact on those trying to follow a low-calorie diet for weight loss, helping to reduce hunger and the desire for snacking 

Anti-inflammatory benefits

Red light therapy can also have anti-inflammatory benefits, which can aid in weight loss. Chronic inflammation is linked to obesity and other health issues, including heart disease and diabetes. Red light therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation in overweight or obese individuals, potentially aiding in weight loss efforts. Learn more in our article discussing red light therapy for inflammation.

Insulin sensitivity

In addition to its effects on fat cell reduction and metabolism, red light therapy has also been shown to improve insulin sensitivity. This is significant because insulin resistance is a major risk factor for obesity. Insulin sensitivity is important because it helps regulate blood sugar levels and prevents the development of diabetes, which is a major risk factor for obesity.

A 2017 study found that just three weeks of daily red light therapy (630nm) improved insulin sensitivity in overweight and obese participants, leading to better blood sugar control and potentially preventing the development of diabetes.

While more research is needed to fully understand the effects of red light therapy on weight loss, the current evidence suggests it can be a valuable addition to a healthy lifestyle and weight loss program. So if you’re looking for an alternative or complementary solution to traditional weight loss methods, consider giving red light

Should you try red light therapy for weight loss?

After reading the red light therapy benefits for weight loss, you probably want to try this treatment yourself and see all that it can do for you. So, should you try red light therapy to lose weight?

There is promising research on the use of red light therapy for weight loss, but it is important to remember that results will vary from person to person. It’s always a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new treatment, and they can also help advise you on the best approach for achieving your weight loss goals. 

If you have tried traditional weight loss methods without success, or are looking for a non-invasive alternative, red light therapy may be worth considering. It can be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise to support your weight loss efforts and help you maintain a healthy weight long term.

The best way to think about red light therapy is like a good workout. You don’t see results from a single session, but with daily use and consistency, over time you will notice positive changes. As with a regular workout plan, there are many ways to approach the use of your Vital Red Light. Some people prefer to do 10 minutes once or twice a day for each treatment area. Others like to do shorter sessions throughout the day. The frequency is completely up to you and what works best for your schedule.

Treatment times vary depending on how your body reacts. For some, a few minutes each day is all that is needed. For others, it might require more time in order to reach their goals. It’s highly individualized based on the intensity used and the person using it. Now, let’s explain how to use red light therapy for weight loss.

Red light therapy has shown promising results for weight loss, but as is the case with any treatment method, individual results may vary.

How to use red light therapy for weight loss

Ready to learn how to use red light therapy for weight loss? It’s actually quite simple.

To maximize the weight loss benefits of red light therapy, it’s important to use it in conjunction with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Treating yourself to regular red light sessions will help you sleep better, recover faster, and be more productive throughout the day. It’s like a natural energy boost that improves your mood and mental acuity while enhancing your body’s ability to lose weight.

Red light therapy is non-invasive and has minimal side effects, making it a safe option for weight loss. Of course, as with any treatment, it’s important to consult with your doctor before trying red light therapy for weight loss. But if you’re looking for a natural way to support your weight loss goals, red light therapy may be worth considering.

How often should you use red light? Most full-body devices (like the Vital Elite) is recommended to be used 3-5 times per week, but daily treatments can be beneficial as well. If you aren’t sure how much light therapy is right for you, we recommend starting with treatment 2-3 times per week and seeing how that feels. You can always increase your frequency later after you see how your body responds. 

What is the Best Red Light Therapy for Weight Loss?

Now – the main question you have at this point is in regards to the best red light therapy for weight loss. While you can certainly do tanning salon red light therapy, it’s far more cost effective to invest in your own at-home red light therapy device. And choosing the right one is easier said than done.

There are many benefits to red light therapy, but you can only experience these amazing health properties if you purchase a high-quality device. Be wary of cheaply made devices that aren’t built to provide the right therapeutic benefits despite their hefty price tag. Always research any potential purchase beforehand!

Vital Red Light devices provide the highest irradiance on the market, meaning more effective treatment in less time for you. All devices undergo rigorous testing and protocols to ensure safety, effectiveness, and durability before being shipped to you. After years of precise engineering with cutting-edge technology, we are able to bring you the best Red Light Therapy device at an affordable price tag.

Our at-home red light therapy devices are based on extensive research and offer a powerful, effective way to experience red light therapy for yourself. No matter which device you choose, you’ll get all the benefits of red and near-infrared light therapy—that is, the ability to experience immediate pain relief, improved immune function, enhanced mood, better sleep quality, accelerated recovery time from exercise and injury, reduced inflammation (which can help with acne), increased muscle strength and more.

Before and after red light therapy
Red light therapy has shown promising results for weight loss, but as is the case with any treatment method, individual results may vary.

Final Thoughts on Red light therapy for weight loss

That brings our discussion red light therapy for weight loss to a close. Here are a few parting thoughts we want to leave you with:

  • Losing weight is tricky because there is no one-size-fits-all formula.

  • Key variables that impact the majority of peoples’ struggle with body weight include diet, exercise routine, stress levels, sleep quality, and circadian rhythms.

  • Most importantly – LIGHT. This is one area of the weight loss equation that has not been talked about traditionally.

  • Red light therapy can produce gentle, far-reaching effects on your body by stimulating the mitochondria in your cells which signals your cells to produce more energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

  • The potential benefits of red light therapy for weight loss and overall health include: fat cell reduction and metabolism; improved sleep and reduced hunger; appetite suppression; better sleep and improved circadian rhythm; reduced inflammation.

Now that you are fully aware of the red light therapy benefits for weight loss, there’s just one thing left to do: get the best at-home red light therapy for weight loss today! Our near infrared light therapy devices or full-body red light therapy devices are here to help you start loving the person you see in the mirror again. We have both portable red light therapy and red light therapy panels to help you jumpstart your journey to weight loss and fat reduction today!

Vital Red Light Therapy Devices
There are many ways you can bring red and near-infrared light therapy into your home, from small handheld devices to full-body panels. A medical-grade red light therapy device from Vital Red Light features a combination of red and near-infrared wavelengths have been shown to have beneficial effects on y


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