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The Official Red Light Therapy Buyers Guide: Wavelengths, Flicker, EMFs & More

red light therapy

By Jake Kreuz & Leslie K. Hughes


If you’re new to red light therapy, you’ve likely read about all the incredible benefits that this method has to offer.

Red light therapy can:


While all of these things are great, in order to get these benefits you first have to understand a few things about red light therapy which involves some terminology that can be confusing.

Then you add on to that the wide range of options for red light therapy devices and you may feel overwhelmed.

Don’t worry – we are here to simplify everything about investing in a red light therapy device that will allow you to reap all of the above benefits and more. Here, we break down the most important factors to consider along with the questions you should be asking.

But let’s start first with a key piece of information: If you are here for a quick fix, you are in the wrong place. Vital Red Lights are meant for longtime use; you will see the benefits increase exponentially the longer you use this device. And we expect your Vital Red Light to be used thousands of times. We focus on quality, sustainability, and expert design to ensure your red light is with you for your entire journey to optimal health.

As we always say here at Vital Red Light, your health is an investment, not an expense. Where you invest now, you will be rewarded later. With a premium and professional-grade red light therapy device that you can use in the comfort of your own home, you will reap the health benefits for years to come.

You’ve likely seen products advertised as “The #1 At Home Red Light Therapy Device.” In an effort to confuse the buyer and justify an exorbitant price tag, our red light therapy device competitors include unnecessary and complicated features and have endorsement budgets that run in the millions. Yes, millions.

However, at Vital Red Light, we focus on what is important and pass the savings and quality straight to the customer. Our focus is on power and effectiveness, pared with affordability. We can confidently say that Vital Red Light has the most powerful, affordable, and effective red light therapy devices on the market today.


what is inflammation

Making an informed red light therapy buying decision

Before you jump into spending any money on a red light therapy device, it is important to understand how these complex devices work so that you can make an informed decision.

Red light therapy devices can be classified as medical grade because they are highly therapeutic for the human body. [1] Vital Red Light devices have a precise spectrum, have certified medical grade power, are manufactured with the highest standards, and are in compliance with safety and regulatory agencies.

To help guide you along your red light therapy journey, we are sharing the top things you need to take into consideration when making this investment in your health.

The most important things to consider when buying a red light device

1. Power

LED light power is the most important consideration that you should have when buying a red light therapy device for home use.

For expertise in why light therapy power matters, we hand the microphone over to Michael Hamblin of Harvard Medical School. Dr. Hamblin is widely considered the leading expert in photo medicine (red light therapy or photobiomodulation). Dr. Hamblin says that “total light energy is the most accurate and comprehensive way to measure the power of light therapy devices and treatments.” [2]

“If you only account for irradiance—versus how much total energy a device delivers—you miss the larger picture of how light therapy positively benefits the person using it.”

Dr. Hamblin brings up an important point: the power of the device versus the brightness (irradiance) of the device.

Many competitors on the market today focus their attention on the irradiance of their lights, advertising as “the most irradiance from a red light therapy device.” However, that is not what you should be prioritizing. The power of the device is far more important.

Read on to learn why.

Power density: Vital Red Lights offer therapeutic grade power

Power density essentially refers to the power output or how intense the device is. [3]

If you’re looking for a red light therapy device that is low-power, you will not get the optimal health results and will end up wasting your money.

To make an informed decision, it’s key to know that the measure of power can be understood by looking at the LED chip in the red light therapy device. For example, our Vital Pro is made with a 5 Watts LED chip. Compare this to our competitors who have LED chips of 2-3 Watts. This means they are orders of magnitude lower in both power and therapeutic effect.

If you’re confused, that’s okay – this can get quite complicated. Here’s an easier way to look at it: most manufacturers don’t offer independent, verified power measurements including wattage, beam angle, energy output, and more. That means you have no idea what you are actually getting with your purchase and no evidence as to whether this device will actually provide any benefits. We advise you to avoid those red light therapy devices at all costs, especially ones coming from Amazon.

Vital Red Light Therapy panels have been tested by a third-party lab, are medical-grade, and the results are available for you to see. We share all the following numbers for you to clearly see and understand the efficacy of our devices:

  • Wavelength
  • Irradiance (power)
  • LED
  • Light output
  • And more

2. Light Spectrum: Red and near-infrared wavelengths

Red light therapy – also called red and near-infrared light therapy – needs to have the right spectrum of wavelengths to do its job.

In order to be effective and allow you to experience all the incredible health benefits of red light therapy, you want a product that offers a dual spectrum output. Dual means a balance of both deep red (lower penetration) wavelengths and near-infrared (deeper penetration) wavelengths.

These two wavelengths, in tandem, work to treat both the surface of the skin as well as go deeper to what lies beneath the skin. [4] This is key to reaping the benefits of red light therapy – in order to solve health problems, you need to treat the underlying causes, not just the surface.

Deep Red Light. Deep red light is measured at 660 nanometers. This wavelength is ideal for targeting all skin concerns because the light is able to penetrate into the skin in order to rejuvenate the skin’s tone and complexity, while simultaneously smoothing out uneven pigmentation. The 660nm wavelength has been proven in clinical studies to help:

  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Stimulate collagen production
  • Grow hair

Near-Infrared Light. Near-infrared light is measured at 850nm. This wavelength penetrates deeper into the skin, which induces a number of health benefits such as:

  • Anti-inflammation
  • Enhanced muscle recovery
  • Healing of the wounds within the skin
  • Reduction of wrinkles
  • Getting orthodontics into alignment in patients recovering from dental surgery

Most photomedicine researchers point to something called the “therapeutic window,” which is a range of wavelengths between about 600 to 1,200 nanometers. Red and near-infrared light—especially between 600-950 nm—has been studied extensively and its positive effects have been well documented in clinical trials. [4]

Vital Red Light devices offer you the ability to switch between deep red light (660nm) and near-infrared light (850nm), or use both the deep red and near-infrared light at the same time to experience all of the benefits. This is rare – many products in the market did not give you the ability to switch between different wavelengths.

3. Flicker Rate

Have you ever recorded a bright light on camera, and noticed that it flickers on and off very quickly? Have you walked into an office building and felt like you were getting hit with a strobe light? That’s because those lights were LED lights that have to flicker to sustain power. [5] This is fine for most household lights, but not when you’re talking about LEDs for red light therapy.

Most of our competitors source their products and lighting from traditional, large-scale manufacturers that do not have a primary focus on the intricacies of red light therapy. That often means they end up using cheaply-produced LED lights that flicker in order to sustain energy. The alternating electric current causes the LEDs to turn off and on many times a second as the current changes direction.

This results in a brighter light, but with less power. (Remember from above that a premium red light therapy device like you want in your home should focus on power, not brightness.)

You may not be able to notice the flicker at first but over time, it will cause biological stress on your body’s systems – you will likely start to experience headaches and issues with eye strain.

We are proud to say that Vital Red Light devices produce no flicker at all. We work with manufacturers that have a singular focus on red light therapy devices for human use, which means you get a device with LEDs that lead to sustained treatment, powerful therapeutic benefits, and comfort.

4. Beam Angle

Beam angle is another important topic worth understanding before buying a red light therapy device.

The standard LED light comes equipped with a 120-degree beam angle. This is great for providing bright light, but not ideal for the powerful therapeutic benefits that you were looking for in a red light therapy device.

The angle is essential to the surface area that the light will cover and the power it will produce within that defined surface area. Vital Red light engineers have tested various beam angles in order to balance the therapeutic effect with the surface area that the light covers. And here’s what we have found.

The more beam angle you have, the more surface area the light covers. However, you start to compromise light intensity within that surface area. Conversely, the more focused the light is, the less surface area it covers, so you comprise the treatment area. As you can see, there is a balance between how much surface area you want to cover and how powerful you want the reach that surface area. [6]

Traditional red light therapy devices on the market today use a 60-degree beam angle which dramatically decreases the power density (as explained above).

Thankfully, Vital Red Light engineers have built the perfect balance of light intensity and surface area covered with a 30-degree beam angle. The 30-degree beam angle in the Vital Red Light V100 enables greater power for a focused area of coverage, meaning a faster therapeutical result without compromising power.

5. EMF Emissions

You’ve likely heard of the term EMF (electro-magnetic frequency).

EMF is a form of radiation that is emitted from all electronic devices. In high, sustained doses, EMF wavelengths can be very harmful to humans. [7]

Many red light therapy devices on the market today have high levels of EMF output. Some competitor red light therapy devices have overly complicated and unnecessary electronic features, which adds to the cascade of EMF output in their devices with little benefit to the user. [8]

Other cheap competitor devices do not have the complicated electronic features, but are lacking proper insulation. And insulation within the red light therapy device is critical to suppressing EMF output.

Vital Red Light therapy’s research and design team has been able to produce a high-powered device with low EMF output and effective heat distribution, which allows for the safest treatment. Vital Red Light Devices are optimally insulated for low EMF output, with maximum power output.

This careful balance is something we are very proud of at Vital Red Light.

A typical red light therapy session looks like anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes for treatment while standing about 1 to 3 feet away from the device. The closer you are, the higher amount of electrical radiation you’re subjected to. Because our beam angles are at 30 degrees and not 60 (as explained above), you are able to stand farther away from the red light therapy device while receiving all of the same benefits as if you were closer. [9]

Imagine being able to improve every possible skin concern – from wrinkles to fine lines, along with hair loss, acne, and even lesions – all with minimal time, effort, and in the comfort of your own home-

What should I look for in a red light therapy device?

The best red light therapy devices on the market today focus on the following primary components:

  • LED Power
  • Dual-light spectrum
  • Premium service
  • Legitimate warranty
  • Low EMF output
  • Optimal service area and coverage
  • Anti-flicker LEDs

Vital Red Light provides all of the above, and more.

Which red light therapy device should I choose?

Red light therapy devices come in many forms – from full-body units that expose your whole body to therapeutic red and near-infrared light to smaller handheld devices that are more portable and convenient.

While no light therapy device is “one size fits all”, every Vital Red Light product is designed to be lightweight, portable, and easy to use. The only difference between each of our red light therapy devices is the size of the emitting surface – but this will determine its intended uses.

Below are the three best red light therapy products you can buy today.

The Vital Charge is a versatile device that can be used on small areas like the face, hands, or feet. It’s the most affordable option in our collection, making it a great choice if you’d like to try out red light therapy before committing to buying a larger treatment panel.

The Vital Pro is our most popular device for full-body treatments. It’s large enough to be comfortably used on the entire front and back of your body at once. Perfect for use in combination with a standing desk or in front of your TV, you can relax while you receive your daily dose of natural light.

The Vital Elite is our largest red light therapy device and is ideal for those looking for maximum coverage while they treat. This device features 172 5-watt medical-grade LEDs, which makes it ideal for multiple users at once (think couples massages or even pets).

In Summary

In order to experience all the amazing benefits that red light therapy has to offer, you need to make sure that the device you’re buying is high-quality. There are lots of cheaply-made red light therapy devices out there that charge a pretty penny and weren’t built in the correct way to actually provide the therapeutic benefits. Thus, it’s important to do your research before buying a red light therapy device.

At Vital Red Light, we provide all of the key features and numbers on our website that let you know that the device you’re buying is quality and will bring you the results that you’re after. We use only the highest-quality materials in our devices and have the research to back up our devices.

Ready to start reaping the benefits of red light therapy today? Find the Vital Red Light device that’s right for you.


[1] “Red Light Therapy: Benefits, Side Effects & Uses.” Cleveland Clinic, https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/22114-red-light-therapy.

[2] Mechanisms of Low Level Light Therapy, http://photobiology.info/Hamblin.html.

[3] “Power Density.” Power Density – an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics, https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/power-density.

[4] Wunsch, Alexander, and Karsten Matuschka. “A controlled trial to determine the efficacy of red and near-infrared light treatment in patient satisfaction, reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, skin roughness, and intradermal collagen density increase.” Photomedicine and laser surgery vol. 32,2 (2014): 93-100. doi:10.1089/pho.2013.3616, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3926176/

[5] “Flicker Basics.” Energy.gov, https://www.energy.gov/eere/ssl/flicker-basics.

[6] “Beam Angle.” Beam Angle – Electrical 101, https://www.electrical101.com/beam-angle.html.

[8] “Electric & Magnetic Fields.” National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/agents/emf/index.cfm.

[9] “LED Light Therapy: How It Works, Colors, Benefits & Risks.” Cleveland Clinic, https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/22146-led-light-therapy.

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